Metamorfose Afrikaans Addisionele Taal Reëlboek vir Taal- en Woordstrukture Graad 7-12
Author/s: Nora Melissakis
Looking for a summarised, clear summary of Afrikaans FAL? We've got you covered. This handy guide can be used to augment any and all classroom material in the Afrikaans class.
The latest in the Metamorfose series summarises all the language rules in one simple, easy-to-use 48 page guide.
This popular title can be used as an additional study aid for learners struggling with Afrikaans, or for anybody interested in deepening their understanding of Afrikaans language rules.
Please Note: The ordering season for Metamorfose workbooks extends from 1 June to 31 October of each year. Please place your orders within the indicated timeframe in order to avoid disappointment.
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