Lesen, Improvisieren, Erzählen Practice Book
Authors: Martina Esser and Ted Neather
Lesen, improvisieren, erzählen provides a refreshingly new approach to helping advanced level students read, enjoy and react to short stories written in German. It contains six short stories accompanied by graded activities that will help the student understand the story quickly and stimulate reflection and discussion in the classroom.
This lively and innovative approach facilitates students reading complete stories quickly; encourages creativity in discussion, role play and writing; explores topics central to the new IB Language B syllabus and to the AS and A2 specifications: family, personal relationships, social issues, technological advances, the working world, travel and holidays and modern communications.
It provides a wide range of activities which can lead to differentiated outcomes, allowing students to work at their own level and offers insight into life in Germany and into aspects of post-war German history and society. Teachers will find this book immensely useful, since full teacher's notes are supplied for every exercise, with suggested methods of exploitation and suggested answers. Photocopiable students' worksheets are also provided for each exercise. These stories are also ideally suited to the I.B. Diploma Language B programme.
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