Cambridge Lower Secondary Science English Language Skills Workbook Stage 9 with Digital Access (1 Year)
Author/s: Mary Jones, Sally Burbeary
Format: Print/online bundle
We know studying science in English can be challenging, our English skills for science workbook helps you learn key scientific terms and express yourself effectively, making science more accessible.
You’ll work through a range of activities, such as completing sentences and identifying correct and incorrect words, giving you opportunities to develop your language skills and fluency in English.
The English Skills and Support section gives you information about important English topics that you will use in science.
Clear introductions show you what you’ll be learning
Information boxes provide useful background to the activity
Packed with exercises to help you develop your English in a scientific context
Follows the structure of your learner’s book for easy correlation.
1. Photosynthesis and the carbon cycle
2. Properties of materials
3. Forces and energy
4. Maintaining life
5. Reactivity
6. Sound and space
7. Genes and inheritance
8. Rates of reaction
9. Electricity.
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