Do Universities have a Role in the Education and Training of Teachers?
Author/s:Bob Moon
A unique global analysis of the political and social pressures on the education of teachers within the university.
The education of teachers has become a major concern in the development and improvement of education systems across the world. In most countries the responsibility for preparing teachers is held by the universities, which has helped raise the status of teaching.
However teacher education has come under increasing criticism as overly theoretical and ineffective in addressing the practical needs of teachers within the classroom.
Do Universities have a Role in the Education and Training of Teachers? addresses these concerns directly through a unique series of case studies by leading academics.
The consistency of public concern across countries as disparate as China, India, the USA and UK is explored, as are contemporary attempts to introduce reforms that address these concerns. The book suggests a number of key questions for universities to address if they are continue to play an important role in the pre-service and professional education of teachers.
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