Cambridge International Magic French Verb Cards Flashcards
Author/s: Jackie Garratt and Pierrette MacDonald
The Magic French Verb Cards are a set of laminated verb cards with learner's and teacher's notes and a downloadable MP3 file.
These cards are ideal for both the individual learner working on their own and for classroom use, and are suitable for beginner to intermediate learners. They enable learners to learn, practise and test themselves on 16 common French regular and irregular verbs in the present tense and simple future tense.
Magic French Verb Cards will appeal to all learners, and will engage visual and kinaesthetic learners especially.
Amusing illustrations, colour coding and clever design help learners to remember the verbs in context and to build up their vocabulary - and all in a wonderfully low-tech way! When the 'magic sheet' supplied is placed over the card the conjugated verb disappears, leaving the rest of the French sentence, the English sentence and the illustration visible. In this way learners can test themselves and get immediate feedback by removing the magic sheet and causing the conjugated verb to re-appear.
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