Aspekte Deutscher Gegenwart: Texte und Ubungen: Band 1 (2nd edition)
Authors: Gudrun Lawlor and John Hill
Aspekte deutscher Gegenwart will help students develop the vocabulary needed to understand and talk about important issues in modern German society. The eight photocopiable self-study units are based on authentic texts dealing with the following topics: Obdachlose; Familie und Beruf; Fluchtlingskinder; Alkoholismus; Verkehrssicherheit; Modernes Essen; Drogen und Kriminalitat; and, Bildungswesen.
Lively, interesting and carefully graded, the exercises begin with identification of key words and comprehension questions, followed by detailed and precisely focused practice with the new vocabulary, grammar and phrases. Units conclude with a written exercise and a topic for debate. Extensive Losungen und Erlauterungen sections give correct answers to and commentaries on the exercises, in addition to sample essays.
Grammar and shades of meaning are explained simply but thoroughly, so that students can develop their language skills rapidly without the need to work closely with a teacher. Aspekte deutscher Gegenwart: Texte und Übungen (Band 1) is a companion volume to Aspekte deutscher Gegenwart: Texte und Übungen (Band 2), and is in the same series as the highly-praised Facettes de la France Contemporaine Livre 1 and Livre 2, and Aspectos del mundo hispano.
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